Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Many Happy Returns

Tonight was something from the casserole bank for Mike - Sharp Steak - it had been frozen a couple of weeks ago. I made a full casserole and froze the separate steaks in sauce - as I don't eat it I can't vouch for it tasting the same as the original unfrozen meal but He Who Does Eat Meat says it is fine!

With this last night we had vegetables, less the usual variety - lucky to find anything in the drawer as it was shopping day today - steamed potatoes, mashed pumpkin and broccoli.

Then there was Baked Custard, half of what was left over from Sunday night's dinner.
Now that is a great dessert and so easy. It came from a Sunshine Milk recipe book that I acquired in 1960 and have used since for custards and anzac biscuits.

Sunshine's Baked Custard

1 pint warm water (can't give this in ml but it is 20 fl oz in the old measure - I tend to interchange where it suits - one advantage of having lived through the changeover aand having familiarity with both systems - it is just in translation where I fall down)
1 cup Sunshine powdered milk
3 lightly beaten eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence (I have discovered vanilla extract and love everything about it except its price - I use slightly less than the teaspoon for an extremely rich vanilla taste)
1/2 cup sugar
grated nutmeg

Whisk the milk powder into the water.
Beat the eggs and sugar with the vanilla and beat into the milk.
Pour into a greased ovenproof dish and place in a pan of cold water to at least half the depth of the custard.
Sprinkle over the nutmeg (I keep meaning to look for whole nutmeg as I keep reading about what a difference it makes, in comparison, but have not done so as yet)
Bake in a moderate oven - 170 degrees for 45 to 60 minutes and a knife comes out clean. (I like to take it out when quite wobbly. The custard will continue to set a little after it is taken from the oven if the dish is left in the water. I find it is then never overdone).

This is similar to my creme caramel recipe which I shall leave for another day. I made it recently - it is my never-fail-to-please dinner party dessert and is incredibly easy to produce.
The only problem was that I spilt some hot caramel on my finger on this occasion. It made a mess and is not yet fully healed after a week and a half!

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