Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Butterless tea loaf

This is an old recipe that I have had for ages - the origin is lost.

1/2 lb mixed fruit
4 oz sugar
10 fl oz warm tea
1 egg
1 tablespoon marmalade
1/2 lb SR flour

Soad the fruit and sugar in the warm tea - if I don't have half a pot of tea leftover I just put a teabag into the basin with the other ingredients and pour over the 10 fl OZ of boiling water(Sorry this is in old measures but since my measuring cup and scales can cope I don't convert)

Leave this to cool - overnight - over 2 nights or half a day - it doesn't seem to matter.

Stir in the beaten egg and marmalade and add the sifted flour.

Until I was given my wonderful silicon 'tins' I always used a piece of greaseproof on the bottom of a greased loaf tin. The recipe I have says bake at 325 degrees F for 1 3/4 hours. In my oven it is 155 degrees C for about 1 hour 25 minutes until the skewer comes out clean.

Leave in tin to cool for 15 minutes. (Silicon until quite cold) It can be served warm or cold with butter. I usually make one, slice it up and then keep a few slices in a tin while I wrap each of the others in gladwrap and store in the freezer. 12 seconds on high in the microwave defrosts one slice quite nicely and it tastes as good as freshly baked. It can last for ages in the freezer

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